Friday, March 13, 2020

What to do when you just got a raise but it wasnt enough 

What to do when you just got a raise but it wasnt enoughFor many of us, theres nothing quite as exhilarating in our professional careers as the day we get a raise. In addition to having some extra money coming our way on a regular basis, its a nice acknowledgment that our hard work and effort is appreciated. However, sometimes these moments dont go exactly as we envisioned. What do you do when you get a raise, but its not quite as much as you were hoping for? googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) The insufficient raise can be a very tricky situation to handle. On the one hand, you dont want to show a lack of appreciation for the gesture, which hopefully came with good intentions. You also likely dont want to adopt an adversarial or hostile position with your bosses at work. On the other hand, you dont want the powers that be at your job to think that youre a complete pushover with no ambition who can be bought off cheaply. You also want to mak e koranvers that youre being fairly compensated for all of your hard work and effort. Sohow do you proceed when you find yourself in this unfortunate position?Dont react emotionallyIf youre feeling emotional after being presented with a less-than-stellar raise offer, take a deep breath, relax, and realize that you wont be doing yourself any favors by reacting on your emotions. Not only will it force calm logic and reasonyour best tools to convince your bosses that you deserve a larger raiseto take a back seat, you wont be doing yourself any favors by letting your boss see you at your less-than-professional best. If you can get a hold of your emotions and let reason lead you, you can calmly discuss the situation with your boss and try and reach a mutually beneficial arrangementbut if youre feeling overly emotional and need some time to collect yourself, then by all means take it.NegotiateKeep in mind that most salary discussionsfrom the time youre hired through every raiseare open to some level of negotiation. You wont be the first employee looking to make a better absprache and you certainly wont be the last. In fact, your boss will not likely be shocked by a counter-suggestion regarding your raise, so dont approach the moment full of fear or the belief that youre entering hostile territory. If handled well, a conversation regarding your raise can be a polite and effective exchange of thoughts that can truly benefit both sides. Consider the raise negotiation process an opportunity to reassert your value as an employee, and possibly even redefine or clarify your position and responsibilities moving forwardwhich can be really beneficial for all involved.Make your caseWhen you enter into a discussion regarding your raise, its in your best interest to be prepared to back up your belief that you deserve mora with some strong evidence. When stating your case, highlight what youve done on the job to merit a larger paycheck. Discuss your accomplishments as well as any cost saving measures youve been involved with, and if you can demonstrate your value to the team moving forward, even better. The stronger your case, the more likely you are to get the raise youre looking for.Have you just gotten a raise but arent thrilled with the amount? Fear notall is not lost. Use the strategies and advice presented here to try and salvage a challenging situation and turn the tables to your monetary advantage. Good luck

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